Kota Hirakawa

Born in 1987 in Kochi Prefecture, now based in Saitama.
Hirakawa completed his Master’s degree in painting at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2013. He creates conceptual works, primarily through painting, that address contemporary social issues. One of his major themes is the “transmission of memory” (*keisho*), using art to express memories and the act of forgetting, which cannot be conveyed through any other medium.

Recent solo exhibitions include *Kota Hirakawa – Cemetery / Prayer of Transmission* at the Kochi Prefectural Museum of Art (2022) and *Will the Voltage of Evil Rise in the 21st Century* at the Fukuzawa Ichiro Memorial Museum (2018). His work has also appeared in group exhibitions such as *Catastrophe and the Power of Art* at the Mori Art Museum (2018), and *Shikansuiyo: The Art of the Sacred Forest* at the Meiji Jingu Museum (2020). He also participated in the *Saitama Triennale 2020* at the former Omiya Ward Office.
